Entrepreneurial leadership

Our focus on entrepreneurial leadership in technology-based business takes in multiple perspectives on technology entrepreneurship, from self-managed businesses to corporate entrepreneurship. Because business is increasingly dependent on different networks of individuals and organizations, collaboration in business ecosystems is a critical success factor for creating and transforming technology-based enterprises.

Our mission is to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking for the success of companies, public organizations and society at large. Our research and teaching in this area involves elements of learning by doing, concentrating on the factors that affect sustainable growth and renewal of business in technology-intensive environments. With particular emphasis on engineering and innovation, the center of interest is on entrepreneurial leadership, including intrapreneurship, managing startup business, self-leadership, as well as entrepreneurial thinking in all technology-intensive arenas.

Professors affiliated with Entrepreneurial Leadership include:

Eila Järvenpää, Professor, Head of Research focus area,
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Work, Organizational Networks, Communication in Organizations and Organizational Networks, Cross-Cultural Management

Esa Saarinen, Professor
Applied Philosophy, Entrepreneurial thinking and Self-managed entrepreneurship

Marina Biniari, Assistant Professor
High-growth Entrepreneurship, Corporate entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial passion, Professional identity, Recovery from entrepreneurial failures, International entrepreneurship

Mikko Jääskeläinen, Assistant Professor
High-growth Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurial renewal, Entrepreneurship and strategy, Industry networks, Venture capital.

Natalia Vuori, Assistant Professor
Emotions and Cognition in Strategy Implementation, Emotions and Cognition in Inter-organizational Relations, Individual and Organizational Learning, Leadership, Intrapreneurial Behavior in Corporations





Page content by: | Last updated: 08.11.2018.